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Среда, 22.01.2025, 09:40
    I, Khamraev Djuma Fayzullaevich was born in February 18th, 1936 in Bukhara province of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
    In 1958 I graduated from the Central Asian Polytechnic Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, with a diploma of geophysicist.
    From 1958 to 1965 working in expeditions for geophysical surveying in Western Uzbekistan and South-West Turkmenistan took part in search and survey of oil and gas fields. Along with many other geologists and geophysics received a state prize for discovery and survey of Gazli gas field in Western Uzbekistan.
From the first days of my work activity I occupied myself with science and invention. Particularly, working in the marine geophysical expedition in the Caspian Sea, in 1960-1961 I offered and developed electromagnetic system of automatic explosions while conducting marine seismic operations. Having returned to development geophysics of Uzbekistan in 1964-1965 I improved equipment for lateral logging and nuclear-geophysical researches for wells survey.
    From 1965 to 1970 I worked at the Tashkent hydrogeophysical expedition in position of a senior engineer and the expedition chief engineer as well. During this period I did research engineering on development and introduction of electrofocused methods in hydrogeology and engineering geology.
    From 1970 to 1990 working at the research institutions of hydrogeological and engineering-geological services of Uzbekistan, I did the following scientific and development works:
In 1973 I defended a candidate’s dissertation on: “Focused method of electric fields in geoelectroprospecting”.
I acquired 15 inventor’s certificates and offered more than 20 rational suggestions on technique and technology of hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geophysical researches.
On the basis of my inventions and rational suggestions a SDD (specialized design department) “Hydrogeotechnics” was organized at the association «Uzbekgidrogeologia». Over 30 research papers and monographs were written.
    In 1990 I defended a doctorial dissertation on: “Scientific-technical and technological support of land reclamation and hydrogeological explorations”.
At the same time, along with above-mentioned works a number of fundamental theories not related to my research were put forward. The first theory was a monograph which was entitled: “A unified theory about a mechanism of movement of electric, magnetic and gravitational fields”. The second one, drown up as a monograph as well was entitled: “Multipurpose nuclear-explosive energetics”. A number of articles concerning these works and especially the second one were published in popular science journals and newspapers like «Tehnika molodyoji», «Znanie sila», «Trud» etc. As an example one can mention a publication in the journal «Tehnika molodyoji», №3 of 1976th year.
    In 1985 I discovered two phenomena, the first is – the phenomenon of moisture scarce – stress and mobilized earliness in the vegetable world (MS-SME); the second one is – the phenomenon of air scarce earliness in vegetable roots (ASE).
During the period from 1985 to 1990 years a number of technologies were developed related to MS-SME and ASE. Both these directions were widely tested in practice and received all-round and reliable confirmation.
    In 1991 I started working at the institute of water problems under the Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Working there up to 1998 I offered and developed the following technologies:
- A self-flowing method of stream-droplet irrigation.
- A method of electroquasidissalinization allowing moving from ineffective conventional electric land reclamation to high-performance agrohydroelectrics.
- An electrostatic method of water retention in reservoirs through slowing-down of the natural physical evaporation from a surface of water bodies and watercourses.
- A theory of impact of HVTF – high-voltage transmission facilities on water circulation in the nature. A number of proposals for decreasing of ES – emergency situations (floods, landslips, earth flows, etc.) by way of changing of the electric energy transmission technology by high-voltage lines are put forward in the work.
- Electric decontamination of the potable and waste waters, resulting in multiple reduction of microorganisms’ concentration in the water. The purpose of this work was – to replace chlorination. Technique and technology applied in this case significantly differ from the other analogs, energy efficient and ecological.
- A new technology basing on electric and helio clarification of the potable and waste waters that has no analogs worldwide.
- Water-lifting facilities working both from moving and immovable water. These facilities and technologies do not have analogs worldwide as well.
    From June 1998 to June 1999 I worked at the Company “Magnetic technologies ltd.” in Dubai, U.A.E – United Arab Emirates.
Nowadays I work at the Institute of hydrogeology and engineering geology "GIDROINGEO"

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