This book substantiates
a universal model of water with precise calculations which is unlike the
pre-existing models helped the author theoretically define the basic physical
characteristics of water and reach a radical change of the established inexact
views on mechanism of processes of dissolution, water ionization (and not ions
hydration), freezing, evaporation and many other hydrophysical phenomena. It is
exactly the new ideas about water that allowed appearing theoretical approaches
for a number of fundamental scientific and technological directions leading to
improvement of ecology by solution ecological problems of the XXI-st century.
These ideas should enter into textbooks beginning from schools, institutes and
universities and finishing with editions of scientific organizations and the academy
of science. The book publication in English, German, French, Russian and other
languages will gradually raise an interest to it that in its turn will increase
demand to the book worldwide.
monograph shows results of fundamental researches in the fields of
electrochemistry and electrophysics of natural waters, rocks and geological
sections. As a result of use of some design solutions on techniques and
technologies it became possible to essentially raise the geological efficiency
of field works both one-time and continuous observations, to expand a spectrum
of studied parameters, productivity, to lower the work production time and
improve the ecological conditions in areas of its conducting.
The book is intended for hydrogeophysicists, hydrogeologists,
engineers-geologists, hydroameliorators.